You've Requested a Spot!
We will secure it when deposit of $150 is received.
You may pay deposit with the button below or bring check to the Church- see more info below.
There will be other forms to sign this is just the initial "save your spot" registration.
We will be in contact with you with more details and info as we get closer!
Note online payment option and payment info below!
We will be in contact with you with more details and info as we get closer!
Note online payment option and payment info below!
Generate Camp 2024 Payment Information:
- You may pay in full or pay $150 deposit which is DUE AT SIGNUP.
- You can pay in full and or your deposit via the below secure online giving link!
- (If you choose to pay online please choose the *cover fees option to use the convenience of online payments.) $3.30 would be added to your $150 deposit.
- You can write check to Evangel Church PCA and note Generate Camp.
- After deposit, remaining balance payment will be required by:
- $200 due on April 30th
- $150 due on May 22nd
- Click button below to pay deposit OR make a payment: