Welcome to Evangel Nursery!
Here at Evangel it is our mission to provide a safe, fun, and uplifting experience for your nursery aged children. It is our goal to offer a nurturing environment while providing developmentally appropriate activities and bible lessons. The Nursery is available for children aged Infant-4 years old.
The Nursery is available for various churchlife events such as Home Groups, and MomCo. For more information on nursery dates and times please contact Grace Baas at nursery@evangelchurchpca.org
The Nursery is located downstairs and is accessible via stairs or elevator. For a tour, please contact the nursery director, or find a deacon for assistance.
When it is your child’s first time in the nursery, there will be a Child Information Sheet that will be filled out so that we have all the important information to care for your children. Your child will be provided with a light snack during Sunday nursery. If there are any food allergies, please make it known and we will strive to accommodate needs.
9:00- Nursery opens for Sunday School 10:00- Nursery is open for the 10:15a Worship Service
5:55- Nursery opens for Wednesday Night Connection activities as they happen throughout the fall and spring semesters.
Special Needs
Evangel has a dedicated space for children and teens with special needs, for more information contact the Nursery Coordinator at nursery@evangelchurchpca.org.
Nursing Mothers
We invite you to come and make yourself comfortable in our Nursing Mother’s room available in the Nursery hallway.
Questions about our Nursery Ministry?

423 Thompson Road, Alabaster, Alabama 35007